
They Kil’d 2 In My Face; Raped And Beaten Kidnapped Lady Narrates Ordeal

A Lady who was kidnapped, beaten and raped before her release is sharing her harrowing experience of coming close to death as she witnessed other victims killed.

The incident is said to have happened on her way from Enugu to River state in Nigeria on the 23rd of June 2021.

On her personal Twitter account, Cindy, the victim,  narrated how she sat on the bus to River State and felt something cold on her nose which made her doze off. According to her, this was the last thing she remembered on the bus.

She later woke up in a bungalow tied up to six other people with a man quietly watching them with a gun in his hands. A huge man, as she described entered the building and gave them all “hot slaps” telling them to pray. He told them if their family cooperate with them, there will be safely released.

They approached one guy called Philip and asked which of his relatives should they contact. Philip answered that he had no one and that he was just a normal businessman hustling to make ends meet. They left him when they realized he wasn’t serious.

When they got to Cindy, the narrator, she said she only had one person to call which was her sister. When her sister was called, the kidnappers challenged her that whether she calls the police or the army, nothing would be done to save Cindy. The kidnappers requested 3,000,000 Naira from her sister before they release Cindy. Cindy became frightened after she heard that and feared she might lose her life.

Her fears were right as she witnessed Philip and another lady killed in cold blood. There later chopped into pieces.

Cindy’s sisters couldn’t tell their father because he was very sick and would be unable to handle the tragic news.

Her sister then begun raising the money by selling some properties and borrowing money as well. Three others were released after their 2 million Naira were each paid up. Cindy was in their custody for three nights as she waited to be released. From the 23rd through to the 26th of June, she was beaten and raped by two of the kidnappers each night.

Eventually, the money was raised and paid, they also emptied her bank account which had about 268,000 Naira in it. She further narrated that on their way to her release point, the police stopped the car but didn’t bother to search the car. “oh my goodness God” her tweet read in reaction to the negligence of the police.

She was then admitted to the hospital and said she was traumatized by the tragic experience. She says she can’t get the image of Philip and the other lady’s death from her head.

She also said she has been experiencing suicidal thoughts because she feels completely shattered. Sympathizers wished her a speedy recovery physically and mentally.

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